viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

The fight for civil rights

                The fight for equal rights has been a very important issue for African American citizens. It started in the 1960’s and it hasn’t stop since then. The image shows Selma and Ferguson, the first is a protest for the African American civil rights movement and the second one is a protest for the boys that have been killed by police officers since last year. Even though the protests started over five decades ago the conflicts are still present in the US

            Since the 60’s African American people have accomplished many things, they have almost the same rights and benefits that white people do but racism and discrimination is still an issue and he US doesn’t have a law to stop all forms of discrimination. Yesterday a business owner said that he wasn’t going to help gay people because being homosexual is wrong and the law says that he can deny his service to anyone he wants no matter the reason. If people don’t have law on their side what do they have? A few weeks ago a shocking video was all over the internet. The video shows a police officer shooting an unarmed African American man in the back. This acts are not something we should get used to but something that we should try to change. Not because we don’t see it means that it’s not happening it only proves that the fight for civil rights and against discrimination is hardly over.

2 comentarios:

  1. I had no idea that the law says he could deny his service to anyone he wants no matter the reason, how can that be even real these days? The law is meant to protect citizens, or at least that's what I thought before reading that.
    In relation to Ferguson, I've read that there are still protests against racism. They have this #StopDontShoot and #BlackLivesMatter campaigns because African American people still suffer from discrimination. Maybe they have almost the same rights as white people, but they are definitely not looked at the same way yet... as normal people whom lives are as valuable as any other.

  2. I think the entire world is really far from make this situation better, unfortunately as long as there is diversity there is going to be discrimination. It's really a shame all the murdering that is happening just for ask for equality, to ask for something that to me sounds like the minimum to live, to obvious like ask for a job and be discriminate (in a good way) for my capability and not the colour of my skin. Like Constanza I thought those troubles where more likely to happen on the 60'
    To end, I think the fight for the civil rights will last for a very long time, if is't not for the colour will be for the ethnic or the sex.
    It's a never ending battle :/
