viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

The UFO Capital of Australia

The best place to see an UFO, as we well know, are the ones that have flat soil and clear skies like we have in the north of our country, all those characteristics are present in Australia;, and, there is a town where, according to locals, “you would be unlucky to not see an UFO every night”. That town is Wycliffe Well.

UFO sightings have been occurring in Wycliffe Well, located in the middle of Australia in the Northern Territory, and today is one of the Top 6 UFO Hot Spots. There are different theories for this phenomenon, some say that are big fluorescents birds, others say that Wycliffe Well it’s just under a galactic and “out of this world” crossroad.

Whatever the reason or the object they’ve seen that’s not why it has caught my attention while studying this country. It caught my eye how this town has used this inexplicable occurrence to call the attention of hundreds of tourists. That’s why their welcoming sign says nothing less that “Welcome to the UFO Capital of Australia” and the parks are decorated with statues of Aliens. Furthermore, along the town’s road can be found warning signs of alien traffic or danger and spaceships parked around Wycliffe.

 Anyway, its kind of unique to find places that uses the stereotypes or generalizations to shape in that way not just and individual but a whole town and how they want the world to see them.
So the questions are; what do you think of this town? Have they gone too far with this?

3 comentarios:

  1. This town seems funny, I mean, this whole UFO thing is hilarious hahaha. It sounds similar to Area 51 in USA.
    I really enjoy anything space-related, even aliens, but this town took it too far. Personally, I believe they are abusing of a stereotype in order to create a "unique identity" to get more visitors and increase the tourism, They glorify the sighting of what we assume are UFOs so they are known for something. I would actually visit the town because it looks funny and interesting, maybe that's why they do it for.

  2. Before reading this post, i had no idea that this country had a capital of UFOs! Like the common of the people i thought that this kind od atractions existed just in the USA ( a steriotypical image of the USA again! hotdogs, Uncle Sam, Baseball and UFOS. The last one just because of the NASA i guess). Although i'm not into UFOs and space subjects, i enjoyed reading this post and if tomorrow someone invited me to Wycliffe Well , definetely i would say yes.

  3. I can't believe this exists. Normally people don't admit they have seen UFOs because most of the time when they tell this to other people they laugh at it and think they are crazy so it's nice to know that there they are not considered as mad. I'm definitely going to visit this place
